2024年12月21日 星期六
中太陽能板繞道柬馬泰越 美擬課徵最高271%反傾銷稅
The epic spectacle that is the bitcoin juggernaut MicroStrategy
- 股價上漲450%:投
Despite massive fundraising plans, the stock is up 450% this year, valuing the company at about $90bn
BAE Systems Falls as BofA Sees Risk of Musk-led Defense Cuts
財經專家解析指出,由於美國政府可能會實施由埃隆·馬斯克主導的國防預算削減,英國國防裝備製造商BAE Systems Plc的股價在兩年來首次下跌。美國銀行分析師下調了對該公司的評級。
BAE Systems Plc shares fell the most in two years as Bank of America Corp. analysts downgraded the British defense-equipment manufacturer due to the risk of potential US government spending cuts overseen by Elon Musk.
MI6 Chief Warns US and Europe Against Cutting Support for Ukraine
The US and Europe face a breakdown in transatlantic security if they stop supporting Ukraine’s war against Russia, the head of Britain’s foreign intelligence agency warned in his first public remarks since Donald Trump’s election win.
Top Copper Miner Chile Gets Back to Pre-Pandemic Output Levels
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